
你可以随意移动图书馆里的桌椅. Food and drink are allowed in the 图书馆 in all areas! Please clean up after yourself and be respectful of others.

的 图书馆 is not a quiet place. 我们鼓励学生, faculty and staff to use the 图书馆 as a place for community, 会议, learning and sharing information. 你可能会发现,如果你正在学习,噪音水平比你想要的要高. 的re are two quiet study rooms in the 图书馆. 一间是一般用途的房间,偶尔会被一群人占用. 另一间被指定为安静的学习场所,并配有学习用品供您使用. 参考 图书馆地图 to see the layout of these different spaces within the library. You can also learn more about how to use the library by viewing this video tutorial.

请注意,这段视频是在学院因COVID而关闭之前拍摄的,描述了我们开放时图书馆的环境. 还提到了在黑板上找到图书馆资源的链接, but the college is now using Canvas.  您将收到一个邀请(通过Canvas)加入图书馆的Canvas页面,您必须接受该邀请才能在那里查看材料.  你可以在图书馆的网站上找到所有的资源,通过电子邮件可以获得远程帮助 (电子邮件保护).

要借阅资料,您必须持有有效的CCSNH学生证和图书馆账户. 图书馆 books are checked out for 3 weeks, and videos for 3 days. 的 NOOKs are checked out for 2 weeks. 期刊和参考书不流通,将随时供图书馆使用. 为特定课程保留的资料可在图书馆借出使用. 桌球,Wii和PS3游戏和控制器可以在学生生活中使用.

参观 借款部分 of this site to learn more about the 图书馆’s lending policies.

At Great Bay Community College, 在完成所有学术领域的作业时,学生都应该写出原创作品,并使用适当的引用方法. 剽窃 means claiming work that is not yours for your own, or failing to properly cite your research or your own previous work.

Instructors will ask you to use other people’s research, but to form your own opinions, 结论, 或论文. 这可能会令人困惑! 只要记住,承认你引用了别人的话或想法并不可耻. Think of it as the foundation of your paper. 你的工作是从不同的来源提取信息,并把它们放在一起.

For more details on APA, MLA and Chicago styles, refer to the GBCC 图书馆引文指南.

期刊、杂志和报纸文章可通过我们的各种在线数据库获得. 大多数情况下,当使用这些资源之一时,您将搜索期刊文章. 学术或同行评议的文章来自由专业人士撰写或为专业人士撰写的期刊, 专家, and researchers in the field. 的y will usually contain specific vocabulary and data or research. 您可以通过我们的一些数据库限制您的搜索仅限于学术/同行评议的文章.

参观 文章 部分,以了解有关可用电子期刊资源的更多信息.

An Ebook is a book in electronic format. 使用我们的 电子书 greatly expands the amount of resources available to you. 的y are accessible from home, and allow you to easily copy and paste quotes, 引用出处, and search through the text for keywords. Ebrary also allows you to download e-books to your eReader or smartphone.

参观 电子书 section of this site for a full listing of Ebook services.

的re are many online and electronic resources for a variety of topics and interests such as: current or controversial issues; films and videos; an on-line 3D microscope lab for biology and anatomy study; geography and culture; and business. Each of these resources has specific usage guidelines, 你需要有一个图书馆账户和大学邮箱才能访问其中的大部分.

参观 Other Online 图书馆 Resources section of this site to access the library’s other electronic resources.

当你离开校园的时候, you will need to log in to resources using your EasyLogin, or email username and email password. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully!

这 访问指南 提供校外访问图书馆在线资源的详细信息.


作者是谁?? What are his/her credentials? What information is available from this resource? Where did the author get the information? 有引用吗?? When was the website published? Look for a “created on” or “last updated on” date. Why does this website exist? Is the purpose to entertain, persuade, or inform? 有偏见吗?? How comprehensive is the resource? Does it go into the depth you need?

使用这个 website evaluation guide 了解更多策略.

的 钻石库 at UNH hosts a large collection of books and other materials. You must bring your GBCC student ID to sign up for a 图书馆 account. You can use this account to renew your borrowed materials. 

您的UNH图书馆帐户在每个学期结束时到期-要重新激活它,只需访问 钻石库.

Because parking at UNH can be difficult, 我们允许学生将他们的UNH书籍直接归还给冰球突破豪华版试玩图书馆. 只需通知我们, and we will return the books and take note of the date, so you do not incur a late fee.

如果您无法通过我们的图书馆获得某本书或文章, it may be possible to obtain it for you from another library. 

重要提示-这些请求可能需要两(2)周的时间才能完成. 请做相应的计划!

When you request materials, you will need to fill out an Inter 图书馆 Loan Request Form. 表格上要求的每一项信息都很重要,它们将确保你获得所需的材料.

如果您在EBSCO或Proquest中找到一篇没有全文的文章, you may request it directly through the database. EBSCO提供了“请求馆际互借”的选项,而Proquest提供了“查找副本”的选项.” Fill out the electronic form provided to request the article. It may still take up to two weeks to receive the article.

图书馆提供NOOK电子书阅读器和笔记本电脑供借阅,以及ipad供图书馆使用. 学生在使用这些设备之前必须签署一份合同.

的 NOOKs come preloaded with 电子书的集合 and are available for two weeks at a time (see the Nook的技巧和规则 欲知详情). Laptops can also be checked out for two weeks. iPads can be checked out for use in the 图书馆 only. ipad配有许多应用程序,包括研究工具、绘图应用程序和杂志. 看到我们的 iPad指南 有关可用的应用程序,保存工作的说明以及常见问题. 任何请求或建议NOOK标题或iPad应用程序可以通过电子邮件提交到 (电子邮件保护).